Another Bus Driver Assaulted; Tucson - A City In Crisis - VIDEO produced by TCFC

Another Bus Driver Assaulted; Tucson - A City In Crisis - VIDEO produced by TCFC

Tucson in Crisis Video by TCFC  (see link below)


The Tucson Crime Free Coalition has produced a 10 minute video:  "Tucson - A City in Crisis" that highlights pictures gathered over the last 9 months by TCFC steering leaders, and our members. This video documents the failures of public policy: unchecked rampant open-air drug use and addiction, pedestrian deaths, crime on our busses, theft in our stores, closing of businesses, assaults, burglary, public sex acts, all largely within the City of Tucson. Mayor Romero and City Council members have and are supporting sanctioned fentanyl encampments all across town, in our parks, along our freeways, and along the nationally acclaimed Tucson Bike Loop.

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO:  "Tucson - A City in Crisis"

In our August 20th newsletter, we gave our members an inside look at the largest encampment and humanitarian disaster, the 100 Acre Wood Bike Park.

"The 100-Acre Wood Bike Park is a collaboration among the Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists (SDMB), the City of Tucson, and Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.” However, now it has become a wasteland of stolen property and shopping carts, where TPD does not enter, drug dealers are free to sell as they please and addiction is rampant.

"But are there are trees?" This is what Mayor and Council ask.

More will come here this winter!


Yesterday, another bus driver was assaulted on the FREE Sun Tran Crime Bus force-fed to our community by Mayor Romero and our City Council. We don't expect this will be covered in the media. Notice all the pictures of drug crimes at bus stops the the TCFC Video.

This is Tucson under our current elected leadership.

The local media (with few exceptions) acts as apologists for failed polices carried out by our elected officials, but seem to gain courage after TCFC reports on real issues impacting the community.

The Tucson Crime Free Coalition is committed to working toward solutions for Tucson and Pima County and change direction of these failing policies. Help us continue to grow our coalition, our strength is in numbers! Stay engaged!

We are not limited by what others are doing elsewhere. In Pima County, we can decide how we are going to solve this problem and what steps to take!

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO:  "Tucson - A City in Crisis"


  • Anonymous

    “you make the bed you lie in.” My dad used to tell me that from when I was about 2 yrs. old on.
    “tucson does not have a homeless problem. tucson has a drug problem.” Gospel Rescue Mission. tucson with a little “t” because it is no longer a city. It is a location under siege.
    We are running out of money. We are supporting illegals and druggies,…and politicians. Druggies are big business all the way from the manufacturing of the drug, to its’ transportation and sale, to the ambulances and hospitals where are money is wasted on these people over and over again, to rehab facilities, to psych counselors, rehab counselors, etc. BIG BIG MONEY. There is no incentive to stop it. How many people would be out of a job?
    I am compassionate. I feel sorry for the dad who has to work two, three jobs to take care of his family because his taxes are being spent on these people. The mom who has to go to work because the dad can only work so many hours. How much time is stolen from the parents who can’t spend time with their kids because working or too tired from working? How many couples are not having kids because they can’t afford it?These are the people, the salt of our earth, hard working, trying to do it the right way, who are punished over and over again to pay for these people who don’t want help.
    The facilities are there for these druggies, but they don’t want to give up their drugs, so we keep paying to clean them up, for the crime they create, etc. They made their bed. Of course, they can remake it any time.
    In the meantime, round them up in tent city in the desert. They like living in tents. Feed them if the work. Dry them out. These people have made their choice. We need to limit the impact of their choices to themselves, not the remainder of the community.
    And the middle class family keeps being pounded and destroyed by government policies. Enough of the misplaced compassion. Help those people who are trying to help themselves. Keep our families together. Families that live behind bars at home.
    How ironic we allow ourselves to go home at night, and lock ourselves up because we allow these non-viables to run wild.

  • Anonymous

    The 76 station on Prince Rd & Oracle is drug central I live on Prince Rd. We often have pilll heads come behind our laundry room. They dumped rice in the pool filter so the residents could not use the pool for over a month.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    After ten years of retirement from TPD, I did a ride a long on a night shift. I was appalled. My squad used to have ten officers. Same squad now had four.
    On a blackened street, a drugged out zombie staggered out onto the road, almost getting hit by the patrol car.

    No point in stopping. We’d be here two hours for nothing and we’re needed elsewhere.

    This place is San Francisco in the desert.

  • Nancy Lozsi

    We bought a place in Tucson thinking it would be a great city to retire. Unfortunately with the lax performance of government there , not just with crime or drugs but with every level of the needs of residents. Your video is so sad on so many levels. When did we begin to accept homelessness and drug addiction as our new normal? I just don’t understand todays government. State or Federal. It is tragic what our country has become. I am truly terrified for my Grandchildren’s future.

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