Another Bus Driver Assaulted; Tucson - A City In Crisis - VIDEO produced by TCFC
Tucson in Crisis Video by TCFC (see link below)
The Tucson Crime Free Coalition has produced a 10 minute video: "Tucson - A City in Crisis" that highlights pictures gathered over the last 9 months by TCFC steering leaders, and our members. This video documents the failures of public policy: unchecked rampant open-air drug use and addiction, pedestrian deaths, crime on our busses, theft in our stores, closing of businesses, assaults, burglary, public sex acts, all largely within the City of Tucson. Mayor Romero and City Council members have and are supporting sanctioned fentanyl encampments all across town, in our parks, along our freeways, and along the nationally acclaimed Tucson Bike Loop.
CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO: "Tucson - A City in Crisis"
In our August 20th newsletter, we gave our members an inside look at the largest encampment and humanitarian disaster, the 100 Acre Wood Bike Park.
"The 100-Acre Wood Bike Park is a collaboration among the Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists (SDMB), the City of Tucson, and Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.” However, now it has become a wasteland of stolen property and shopping carts, where TPD does not enter, drug dealers are free to sell as they please and addiction is rampant.
"But are there are trees?" This is what Mayor and Council ask.
More will come here this winter!
Yesterday, another bus driver was assaulted on the FREE Sun Tran Crime Bus force-fed to our community by Mayor Romero and our City Council. We don't expect this will be covered in the media. Notice all the pictures of drug crimes at bus stops the the TCFC Video.
This is Tucson under our current elected leadership.
The local media (with few exceptions) acts as apologists for failed polices carried out by our elected officials, but seem to gain courage after TCFC reports on real issues impacting the community.
The Tucson Crime Free Coalition is committed to working toward solutions for Tucson and Pima County and change direction of these failing policies. Help us continue to grow our coalition, our strength is in numbers! Stay engaged!
We are not limited by what others are doing elsewhere. In Pima County, we can decide how we are going to solve this problem and what steps to take!
Tucson voters continue to elect people who don’t have solutions and those elected officials oppose reasonable and logical change. And then we wonder why things are getting worse.
Mary, I would like to see what you are referring in regards to P&Z. Over the last couple months I have become involved in some issues,elsewhere, with a local P&Z, Code Enforcement organization. It has been an eye opener. And I began to wonder what effects their decisions might have. For example, are they not involved in locating these “head shops”. If they put one of these in your neighborhood, you can bet on the type of people that will be in your neighborhood as a result. Thanks.
I’ve lived in Southern Az since I was brought here as a toddler in late. I’ve lived all but kind of those years in the Tucson area. I am saddened to see my city decay and fall apart. Someone needs to take affirmative action and turn back this wave of addiction. Don’t let other cities bust in here start charging for the buses again I won’t get on it as long as I have to deal with panhandlers and people bothering me for my spare change, I’m tired of being ripped off and stolen from. I’m tired of not being able to walk to my car in a parking lot without being accosted from someone trying to get my money I don’t carry cash anymore. I’ve been a nurse in this area for over 30 years and recently retired because I don’t want to deal with this Problem anymore I was tired of being abused by patients because I didn’t get in their drugs fast enough because they were addicted. They self injected. It was illicit drugs in their foot and then they would be hospitalized when they got an infection on the taxpayers dime. why should we pay for all this , I know we’re supposed to be empathetic and patient. I didn’t get that person addicted and I shouldn’t get abused because they don’t get their pain medication fast enough from an injury that could’ve been prevented if they weren’t abusing illicit drugs in the first place. . I don’t vote, but I hope those that do well vote against the nonsense in power. I can’t do anything I’m in Pima County you’re so names need to stand up and fight back against these hooligans that are running the city. It’s really too bad- it used to be a nice place to live.
I’ve lived in Pima county for almost 30 years. I have never lived in the city of Tucson. I now avoid going into Tucson as much as possible. This deep seated ideology that has ruined Tucson (San Francisco, Portland, etc.) must end. The “powers that shouldn’t be”
want to tear down Tucson and create chaos and it will eventually bleed into and affect surrounding communities. Praying the common sense voters and residents will “fight” and vote to take their city back.
How about a new normal…the people in charge! Local government works for the people NOT the other way around.
And once you are shown, and you start your own research right here in tucson, at city planning and zoning, you will know.
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