Featured AZ Daily Star Guest Opinion highlighting Mayor and Council contempt for citizen concerns about free crime bus, Estevan Fentanyl camps' continued destruction. More Fentanyl Siezures
The Free Crime Bus
The Free Crime Bus
TCFC supports re-instating low cost transit fares for those who qualify as SunTran has historically offered. This has always been in place and should be again. It costs us $105,000,000 every year to operate our transit system and now Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz, Kevin Dahl and Steve Kozachik want us to take $10,000,000 from other important needs they already aren't addressing and fund a policy that spreads crime, places bus drivers in danger, and degrades safe, affordable, quality transit for those who need or desire it.
This week TCFC is highlighting the Arizona Daily Star, Guest Opinion of Taylor Davidson, a Tucson resident and business owner, an avid local bike boulevards rider, public transit user, and loves hiking Southern Arizona with his wife and daughters.
Taylor brings particular attention to:
- Quoting Mayor Regina Romero in an interview with KVOA said questions about transit safety are “ludicrous,” “unsubstantiated,” and supported by “no data.”
-Ms. Mayor- show us the data! Transit safety is vital to our community and if you have nothing to hide, share the data with us!
KVOA featured a story this week. Mayor Regina Romero and Council continue to support human suffering and tragedy through their funding of the fentanyl camp (where a uniformed TPD officer bought Meth for $10, yes he was arrested) and through their continued failed policies. Estevan Park Continues to destroy a neighborhood with support of Lane Santa Cruz, Ward 1 and breed crime.
Click Here: KVOA story, Estevan Fentanyl Crime Park
Estevan Pics we took this week visiting the camp
Stepping in Sewage
Other IMPORTANT STORIES this week of Crime in Tucson!
KOLD: Traffic Stop Leads to Fentanyl Seizure
KOLD, Police Arrest Suspect Following Drug Investigation
Ok for ten years I have approached churches charity’s and city and county mayor council Gov senator Congress and Pres for a immediate solution but no one listens so start today, no more sleeping on streets, in front of businesses or on public right of ways,no more free bus rides, stop huh increases in rents or inflated housing make you me and businesses, homeless, city , county all accountable hit us where it hurts our pocketbooks. Make it illegal to give directly to homeless instead give to the charities that help instead, keep yards, businesses, streets cleaned up or get fined ( charge on our water bill gas bill or electric I’ll bet we all stop)?!.Stop permitting the un-permittable acts.!!!! Offer immediate housing etc. Not years away to help or send people back to the states and countries they are from instead of keeping them here and making the tax payer pay for it!!!!! Start today. You ask how is this getting funded well the homeless make 13.00-385.00 a day?!🤪you and I still give but instead of giving directly now we give to the sources that help instead. You ask how does it stay funded by us not following city rules goes directly back to the Charity of our choice start today demand more!!!
Check out the Quick Trips they have armed guards, Check out the RedRoof inn on Irvington and see what’s being housed there! But yet our borders are open. Casa Alitis.
The homeless camps can possibly be halted using red light abatement (Public Nisance) I’m new to Tucson so I am not all that familiar with AZ laws but if somone will tell me where I can get a copy of the AZ criminal statutes like the police use I can bring myself up to speed .. No charity, just tell me where I can buy it. A may be possible to bring a private nusiance abatement avaoiding the city and countycouncil but I would have to read the statutes to se if that is permitted in AZ.
We had 2 very large homeless camps in Whittier CA where I lived. The first on was CALTRANS property and they were removed by CALTRANS for tresspassing. The second was in Parnell Park which was within the City of Whittier but was only a mile from my house which was in Whittier’s unincorporated county area. The city police cleaned the park out but the court said that the y couldn’t do that without porviding alternate housing. The Park was taken over again by the homeless and a woman was found face down dead in the park in 2020, I believe it was on New Years day. The city partnered up with the Salvation Army which had a rehab facility in the unincorporated county area, good for the city and the Salvation Army which is one of my favorite charities. They established a policy setting down rules and regulations for placement, the primary rule being that you had to show a nexus to the city to get shelter. If you weren’t born or raised in Whittier, you were excluded. Whittier felt they they should be responsible for their own but not for any others. Whittier was a nice place to shelter because they have a very active police department and the Sheriffs from Pico River and Norwalk stations are supportive of the city. After the agreement was reached with the Salvation Army Whittier police officers and Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies screened the entire encampment for qualified homeless and moved them to the Salvation Army facility. Those that had no nexus were order to leave the park and the entire park was fenced off while they cleaned the place up and removed all the picnic tables from the area. The park was opened about a year later after the mess was cleaned up (probably by Whittier Parks and Recreation people) but the fact that there are no picnic tables hasn’t been a problem cause the people bring their own tables like they do for Concerts in the Park. Most cities can do the same. I used to live in Pico Rivera which is the neighboring city to the west of Whittier. It has a large campground in the north end of town that has been closed for years. Last time I went by it, apx. 2-3 years ago the buildings were all gone but the cement pads were still there and I assume the water, sewer, and electrical connections are still available so that city could do the same.
Whittier is paying the Salvation Army for its services but I will bet that they are saving money in police services, vector control, upkeep of the park etc. which probably offsets the price the Salvation Army is charging and makes Whittier a pleasnt place to live again. Remember, no nexas, no shelter so they were not paying to house immigrants from the other 49 states or nearby cities that won’t step up to the plate. See the article: https://abc7.com/whittier-parnell-park-homelessness-abc7-solutions/10875467/
I lived in the Whittier area fom 1957 to 2021and have had a close association with both the Whittier Courthouse, WhittierPolice Department, and the Pico Rivera and Norkwal Sheriff Stations so I have some experience in the field.
Tucson’s getting to look alot like Los Angeles and that’s not what I bargained for when I moved.
I am so grateful we have four candidates who will work to Protect, Rebuild, and Serve Tucsonans and are interested in giving them a voice and LISTENING instead of belittling. Janet “JL” Wittenbraker is running for Mayor, Victoria Lem for Ward 1, Ernie Shack for Ward 2 and Russ Kaplowitch for Ward 4. We need change desperately in our city and these four have an opportunity to get it done. We need to get their names out there so people are aware there’s not only an alternative, but an alternative that can truly make a difference being that they’ll be a majority on the council.
Not only is the City of Tucson capitulating by providing Sun Tran free ride crime busses but also appeasing illegal camps squatters by letting them steal shopping carts to haul their equipment to washes and public parks.
One of the photographs of the Estevan Park squatters camp shows three shopping carts at one tent.
Shopping carts should have automatic wheel locks that prevent them from rolling when outside the stores parking lots:
Gatekeeper Systems | Loss Prevention with a Focus on Your Shopper’s …
We support 47 of the 50 largest retailers in the world with advanced technology solutions that address their Loss Prevention Management… “The average pushout theft is $560 and that number is increasing.”
“How Do Anti-Theft Wheel Locks on Shopping Carts Know to Trip…
May 15, 2022….every cart saved is $150 you don’t spend… it’s also because these systems don’t just fight cart theft, many also fight “pushout theft,”…
Keep taking pictures, lots of pictures.
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