Featured AZ Daily Star Guest Opinion highlighting Mayor and Council contempt for citizen concerns about free crime bus, Estevan Fentanyl camps' continued destruction. More Fentanyl Siezures
The Free Crime Bus
The Free Crime Bus
TCFC supports re-instating low cost transit fares for those who qualify as SunTran has historically offered. This has always been in place and should be again. It costs us $105,000,000 every year to operate our transit system and now Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz, Kevin Dahl and Steve Kozachik want us to take $10,000,000 from other important needs they already aren't addressing and fund a policy that spreads crime, places bus drivers in danger, and degrades safe, affordable, quality transit for those who need or desire it.
This week TCFC is highlighting the Arizona Daily Star, Guest Opinion of Taylor Davidson, a Tucson resident and business owner, an avid local bike boulevards rider, public transit user, and loves hiking Southern Arizona with his wife and daughters.
Taylor brings particular attention to:
- Quoting Mayor Regina Romero in an interview with KVOA said questions about transit safety are “ludicrous,” “unsubstantiated,” and supported by “no data.”
-Ms. Mayor- show us the data! Transit safety is vital to our community and if you have nothing to hide, share the data with us!
KVOA featured a story this week. Mayor Regina Romero and Council continue to support human suffering and tragedy through their funding of the fentanyl camp (where a uniformed TPD officer bought Meth for $10, yes he was arrested) and through their continued failed policies. Estevan Park Continues to destroy a neighborhood with support of Lane Santa Cruz, Ward 1 and breed crime.
Click Here: KVOA story, Estevan Fentanyl Crime Park
Estevan Pics we took this week visiting the camp
Stepping in Sewage
Other IMPORTANT STORIES this week of Crime in Tucson!
KOLD: Traffic Stop Leads to Fentanyl Seizure
KOLD, Police Arrest Suspect Following Drug Investigation
Re: ceceila Bogle regarding catch and release. I just read an article the district attorney out of larimer county, wyoming was stripped of their law license and i believe charged, for not doing her duties of processing over 400 crimminal cases. Until legal challenges are implemented, what will change in tucson? I wish i had the answers. Im saying powerful prayers
Re dale lowry: well what is being housed at the red roof inn? Could you please say. Or does anyone else know? Thank you so much also I read an article through one of the main news organizations that stated in the beginning of the pandemic the City of Tucson was awarded 43 million dollars and at the end of reading the article it left me with the impression that the City of Tucson used that 43 million to implement the free bus fare that they use that money to offset the cost so on the YouTube of their meeting last week I asked them is that article accurate? Then I said how about an audit can you break down the cost of the bus system so the citizens of Tucson could get a clearer understanding of the costs Etc now here is my thoughts still what about the audit general of Arizona conducting an audit of the city mayor and Council spending to see what is really going on.? any thoughts, comments on that idea? Because it really seems to me until some kind of legal action? Is implemented nothing’s going to change and improve?
If you sign up for the facebook police scanner communities, theres lots of data. Just this weekend there was a police call of a city bus driver being assaulted. And when I watched the mayor and city council meeting last week on YouTube, I posted a comment there saying they should put their bodies where they’re cheap talk is and starting Monday, they all need to start using the city bus transportation system for their soul means of transportation. and that then, we could come back in a month and have a serious discussion with them about all the free crime that’s rampant in Tucson Arizona. a city that used to be a beautiful city . in my comment, I put use the transportation system. no Fanfare, no security, quietly unassuming, ride the city buses for all your transportation needs for the next month, and handle anything that comes up with the same finesse that you expect the citizens of Tucson Arizona to deal with . that was my comment. of course no one responded to it
This info is from city web site it states that he is the “vice” mayor. Is there such an office of " vice" mayor? Because I don’t recall on any voting ballot where you vote for a vice mayor? Am I missing something? Could somebody please enlighten me?
Vice Mayor Steve Kozachik
Welcome to Ward 6
Office is currently open from 9am – 1pm, M-F. You may contact us via
email at Ward6@tucsonaz.gov or call us at 520-791-4601
In the past activists in Tucson have made Tucson less safe, dirty and impoverished. We have a new breed of activists working to make Tucson safe, clean and prosperous for all citizens. I am glad you are the new breed!
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