Mayor Romero supports Fentanyl Encampments at bus stops; Citizens report the need to carry a gun on bus for safety; Sun Tran Survey; Supporting those supporting change
This week TCFC received an unusually large number of pictures, emails and alerts to posts on about feeling unsafe as riders of the Free Crime Bus. The Free Crime Bus is supported by Mayor Regina Romero and Tucson City Council members, Kevin Dahl, Paul Cunningham, Lane Santa Cruz, Steve Kozachik and Nikki Lee.
The Mayor and Council set policy for TPD and city departments. Mayor Romero and Council have given TPD directives to stop enforcing our laws through policy of non-enforcement. Below you will find photographed examples of what happens when a community does not enforce laws.
This notice on titled "Not safe to ride the busses anymore" is an example of how some riders now feel a GUN is needed to be safe to ride on the Free Crime Bus. One employer told us their employees report the need "to carry knives on the bus to feel safe."
Read more below from Nextdoor:
Story From A TCFC Member's firsthand account description of Mayor Romero's apparent order to support encampments at Bus Stops:
"Today I was driving around in Ward 3 and I came across this lovely free safe bus stop. I noticed a bunch of fentanyl users all hunched over behind the umbrella and they had a lot of foil on the ground. Sun Tran even came and cleaned up AROUND them. Two cops drove by and did not even take notice."
Below: Umbrella likely stolen to hide Fentanyl Use
BELOW: Lots of illegal drug use at make-shift Bus Stop Fentanyl Encampment
Below: Mayor Romero and Sun Tran making Bus Stop safe and clean for Fentanyl Users. They cleaned and drove away
I am a business owner in the city. We have had horrible experiences with Mayor Regina Romero and the councils Free Drug Stop (bus stops). I have requested a certified insurance certificate from the City of Tucson accepting personal and financial liability for the street vengeance that they are welcoming into our city and fully support! I have asked for this 2 times with no response. There are people that are walking out into traffic constantly. Everyones insurance rates reflect this. There are people that are committing crime on a daily basis and loitering on our property everyday and refuse to leave. I had a man that was upset with me because I told him to leave our property last week, he came back with a hatchet and wanted to talk to me. This is the kind of crime that happens everyday and 911 will tell you that no one will be responding. There are drug needles, foil and straws everyday along with human feces at the drug (bus) stop that borders our property. We need to clean up at least once a day to keep our property clean and SAFE for our employees and customers. Tucson is in trouble with our current “leadership”. Businesses, neighborhoods and citizens are struggling to stay safe. For Mayor and council to keep allowing this is inhumane and criminal! A total waste of the tax revenue. Thank you Tucson Crime Free for your dedicated hard work! I appreciate the fact that you all volunteer so much of your personal time and effort for something that should already be!
Things need to change, but let’s be honest, politics in today’s world is polarizing, and most people don’t want to engage in it, even though Tucson has some solid individuals who would make great political leaders. We currently have a progressive mayor who seems to lack independent thinking and instead tries to align herself with national progressive trends to feel important. At the end of the day, we have a leadership problem that starts from the top down. In terms of the police, we are not doing enough, and our police officers are not actively engaging in community policing, which was a trend after the George Floyd incident aimed at preventing such issues. The motorcycle cops seem preoccupied with writing traffic tickets, while sworn police officers often cluster together to handle minor calls or hide in parking garages, neglecting accident response and leaving it to community support officers to handle the police reports.
We’re all being played. Drugs are a big business. The problem could be solved in no time if the CA or a US Attorney would begin a grand jury, start at the bottom and work your way up to the top and get the big dealers. As it is, drugs are a big business: TPD gets a ton of money from the feds. The SO gets a ton. all these rehab facilities, homeless shelters, charities, all get a ton of money. Most of it goes into pockets of administrators. Worker ants who do the job are dried clean and frustrated. This fed money is probably keeping the city afloat.
Along with all the money for the illegals. So simple to stop this if we had people in office who would take their oaths seriously. Kevin is councilman for ward 3. He recently had cancer. He lives in his own little world along with regina. Clueless people mouthing the party line. It hurts me every time I see them speak for they know not what they are saying. Mere children mouthing the same old lines. Take these druggies out to the desert to a tent shelter like Joe had built and let them pick up garbage along Ajo and down by the Los Reales dump to dry them out and earn a good meal. A couple days of good hard work, and sweat, should make a man feel brand new.
Who is kevin dahl? The article lists people that support fentanyl bus stops. His name is listed. There were 6 people fighting on bus number 8 last week it was reported on police scanner site. The driver had to return to base to seek assistance ? And it’s true what this article is stating about a high percentage of the 911 calls being related to the druggies. if you sign up for the police scanner groups and see what’s going on, many of these 911 calls are related to the druggies in this town. there are medical emergencies, automobile accidents, fires Etc, but like this article States a high percentage of the calls are related to the druggies . fighting, stealing armed robberies the list goes on and on and on. and I hear and read many comments oh my God the poor druggies ! well they are choosing this, but citizens of this city who can no longer hardly leave their house without wondering where the next weird event is going to be, are not choosing this. there were 20 people fighting at a Peter Piper Pizza on Broadway Across From Park Mall a few days ago. there was a one-year-old birthday party there, people who were arriving had to flee hurriedly in their cars leave the parking lot to get to safety because there were gun fights. Where do we want to go a citizens of Tucson ? do we want a safe community? Do we want to be prisoners in our own home? I certainly don’t. Once again let me remind the citizens of Tucson Arizona if Larimer County Wyoming can resolve situation of their attorneys refusing to prosecute criminals over 400 cases , if they can address that situation, the citizens of Tucson Arizona can address their situation and change what is happening. What do you want to do? stay glued to your televisions to your video games on and on and on! or can you figure out one hour a week to get involved somehow? whether it’s answering phones, or it’s going door to door , or whether it’s anything? I’m saying prayers
Denise apparently you do not ride a bus.Pictures speak volumes along with visuals at bus stops.
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