Video: TCFC Members, WE ALL DID IT!  We demanded, advocated and even begged, and the City Returned Estevan Park to the Neighborhood!!

Video: TCFC Members, WE ALL DID IT!  We demanded, advocated and even begged, and the City Returned Estevan Park to the Neighborhood!!
Tucson Crime Free Coalition members, 

We have great news to share with you and our community. After months of our reporting and advocacy, conversations with the City, community involvement and media coverage, the Estevan Park fentanyl camp has finally been cleaned up and the park has been returned to the neighborhood and community!

TCFC and Pima County are moving forward with real solutions. We are hopeful that this is a sign that the City of Tucson sees the urgency of what our community is dealing with and is ready to be part of the solution as well.

When encampments like this are cleaned out it is a huge endeavor. We know that the City staff that has to physically perform this action and TPD do not have an easy job and we appreciate the job they did today. Part of this process is making sure that all of the inhabitants are given a 72 hour notice and are provided with shelter and treatment options. We hope that many of these individuals were receptive and took the opportunity to receive help. It is simply not humane to enable people to live in such dire and desperate conditions. We must continue to offer treatment and support to those in need, yet enforce our laws and hold people accountable.

A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR TCFC MEMBERS! Stay Vigilant as we are only beginning and we want to accelerate momentum as we work towards a safer community for all and reclaim what belongs to us- public places and our community. 

Tell a friend!  Our 3600 members and pressure is what is making them start to listen.  We need more!  Signup and get involved on our website:


  • Anonymous

    Outstanding result! As the number of members grow so will the benefits to our community. Our elected representatives may even represent!!
    Those seeking or willing to be helped will be helped and those that don’t will face the consequences of their own actions… There is nothing partisan about this… just pure “uncommon” common sense… Personslly, I’m optimistic….

  • Anonymous

    Excellent job! Don’t give up! As a member of TCFC, I thank you so much for your dedication to fix this problem.

  • Anonymous

    A glimmer of light and a step in the right direction! Thanks for all of the hard work!

  • Anonymous

    Well baby steps hopefully lead to more positive developments! Audit. Accountability. People being the change they want to see! Dont beg. Demand. Prayers for everyone!

  • Anonymous

    It’s a horrible thing what these city council people and the mayor are doing to the citizens of Tucson. This was at one time a great place to live. Instead we are a “sanctuary” city. I don’t mind being a sanctuary city for people who come here and want to work, pay taxes, and raise a family. But these city council people misinterpret what compassion is. They welcome everyone, drug dealer, human trafficker, bum, drug addict, thief. They welcome everyone not understanding what the impact is on our quality of life.
    And don’t forget. Having druggies and bums around is BIG BUSINESS. Drugs flow into the city which keeps the economy afloat. Drug money buys houses, keeps the malls open, etc. Then when the druggies get popped it is big business to “Treat” them and provide them legal representation. There are facilities all over town giving away everything from egg sandwiches to condoms. These druggies and bums don’t want for anything. Big Federal, State and Local money goes into
    “treatments”. It keeps our economy afloat and provides jobs for everyone who wants to “help”. Unfortunately, the “help” is going to the wrong people. How many of you are a husband and wife who work? How many of you have wrought iron on your doors and windows? You are the prisoners. And wrought iron and security is big business. Someone should do a study and find out how much of our economy can be attributed to the drugs and bums.
    Who pays to clean it up? Who takes the druggies to the hospital? Who pays for their treatment?How many calls a day does the fire department respond to “man down” calls?
    So this is big business. The council sees where the money is. You are forced to pay taxes? Do you feel represented?
    So if we can get them to clean it, even for a couple days, people might remember what the park looks like? People might remember what it is there for? For families, for kids to run around without shoes on and feel grass on their toes, or run through a water sprinkler.
    But these city council people are sick puppies. Or maybe it’s intentional?

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