LAST CHANCE to STOP THE FREE CRIME BUS!!! ---- TCFC Open Letter Demands Mayor Regina Romero and Council clean and return Estevan Park to the neighborhood IMMEDIATELY! ---- PHOENIX Residents Win Lawsuit against City of Phoenix!!!

LAST CHANCE to STOP THE FREE CRIME BUS!!!  ---- TCFC Open Letter Demands Mayor Regina Romero and Council clean and return Estevan Park to the neighborhood IMMEDIATELY! ---- PHOENIX Residents Win Lawsuit against City of Phoenix!!!

This newsletter contains 4 Topics:

1. Reminder about the Last Chance to help with stopping rasing taxes to fund the FREE CRIME BUS.  This is how you can make a HUGE difference in 30 seconds with an email.  You ask how you can help?  THIS IS IT!! (if you previously had any difficulty try again now, we made some adjustments)

2. While inspecting the Estevan Park Fentanyl Camp this week, TCFC heard a UNIFORMED police officer bought Meth from a camp resident.  This is what Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz and City Council are funding criminals with taxpayer money!

3. Open Letter from TCFC to Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and City Council to IMMEDIATELY cleanup the Fentanyl Camp at Estevan Park and return our park to the neighborhood!

 4. News from this week that Phoenix Residents won their lawsuit against Phoenix Mayor and Council for not cleaning up the massive crime and filth encampment destroying business and public safety.

Topic 1:

This is your LAST CHANCE!

Don’t miss stopping the FREE CRIME BUS --- CALL TO ACTION!

FOLLOW 3 quick steps below:  (Emails have to be sent by 5pm Monday 4/3)

STEP 1: Copy as a whole, all the email addresses below and paste in the TO: line of your email.,,,,,,,,,,

STEP 2: Copy and paste this text into the subject line of your email:

No FREE BUS, No MORE CRIME Tax!  Make us safe! Stop raising my taxes!

STEP 3: Copy, paste this text below in the email. Edit as you wish. SEND!

Dear Mayor and Council,

Regarding Item #7 put on the April 4th, Study Session put on the agenda by Mayor Regina Romero and Lane Santa Cruz: "Discussion and Direction Relating to Fare-Free Transit for Sun Tran, Sun Link and Sun Van (City Wide)"


FREE Bus fare is not free when you raise taxes and impose levy’s on citizens and businesses. We simply cannot afford more taxes. This is bad policy for our community and is bad for Tucson.

I want busses to be safe and clean again.  The free bus program needs to stop as it is not safe for drivers or riders and has become a method to transport fentanyl around our community. Organized retail theft is being facilitated by the bus being free as criminals are timing their theft and getaway with the arrival of the free bus.

In the past there have been plentiful options for free and reduced fares for those in need that apply and qualify.




Topic 2:

While inspecting the Estevan Park Fentanyl Camp this week, TCFC heard a UNIFORMED police officer bought Meth from a camp resident.  This is what Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz and City Council are funding criminals with taxpayer money!


Topic 3:

TCFC has sent the following OPEN LETTER TO Tucson Mayor Regina Romero and City Council Members Demanding Immediate action to return Estevan Park to the neighborhood!!!  See the letter below:

April 2, 2023

Mayor Romero and Tucson City Council Members:

 Over the last several months, the Tucson Crime Free Coalition has been in contact with numerous concerned citizens, business owners and property owners located in the vicinity of the Estevan Park encampment. The surrounding community is being adversely affected and victimized by the existence and unfettered growth of this encampment. We know that TPD is aware of this encampment. We also know that the City of Tucson is not only aware of this encampment but is using taxpayer money to help fund its continuance and growth. When walking through this encampment, open air drug use is commonplace, with more evidence of drug paraphernalia littering the ground. Dealing of drugs has become so acceptable, our contacts shared with us that a uniformed TPD officer was recently able to purchase methamphetamine in this encampment and subsequently arrested the dealer. The surrounding community is reporting burglaries, theft, altercations and feeling not safe. Estevan Park is no longer safe and is rarely used by citizens for recreational purposes.  It is not humane to enable people to continue living this lifestyle. It is not acceptable to force law-abiding taxpayers to live with this level of criminality. The City has the duty and obligation to exercise its police powers to eliminate the danger caused by this hazardous situation.

On behalf of our community, that is suffering, we are calling for the immediate removal of the Estevan Park Encampment and cleanup of the park.

 If this is not a “Tier 3” encampment, we respectfully request a written response informing us of that justification.


The Tucson Crime Free Coalition

Topic 4:

March 27th, 2023 - PHOENIX Mayor and Council ordered by court to restore public safety!!!

JUSTICE PREVAILED!  The citizens and business prevailed in Phoenix with the court finding that PHOENIX Mayor and city Council: "refuses to enforce criminal and quality-of-life laws prohibiting loitering, disturbing the peace, drunken and disorderly conduct, drug use, domestic violence, and obstruction of streets, sidewalks, and other public grounds inside the Zone."

Phoenix Mayor and Council electeds spent over $100,000 of taxpayer money to fight in court, to not do their duty! And LOST!



  • Nate Foster

    It is amazing the City of Phoenix spent a $100,000 to fight against doing their jobs. Sadly we are seeing the same thing in Tucson. The Mayor and Council own this situation and need to be voted out of office.

  • Anonymous

    Send your email to the City Clerk and City Manager, otherwise use the website for each Ward.

  • Erika

    Thank you for all you do to keep us informed and updated! I sent my email this morning.

  • Anonymous

    Our cities new Homeless Protocol is run by a “star chamber” reference their new Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 status. Tier 3 has to have crime and health concerns. This camp is then given a 72 hour notice to vacate (posting), with police coming in and making enforcement actions. When our citizens/ businesses and patrol call in these “encampments” this unknown “Star Chamber” decides how to label these called in complaints and don’t share their decision (520-791-2540). Even the patrol officers who conduct foot patrols and make arrests there are not told what “Tier” level they make it. TCFC should demand who are these “Star Chamber” members and who gets approval from which M & C member and why they hide their decided tier level from the public. Lastly, why is our chief of police allowing only their HOT squad made of four members to handle the biggest criminal issue in our city today and not his four patrol divisions? All Sgt Jack Julsing in our HOT squad does is coordinate camp clean ups that come right back because they do not make arrests themselves. When another city department comes in to do the cleaning this HOT squad stands there and provides security. Its a big waste of time and money for us taxpayers.

  • Bruce Beikman

    Moving here to Tucson less than a year ago. I’m in total shock that city leadership takes zero action to protect their city keeping its citizens safe. Not showing any respect to our law enforcement sheet no wonder this city is losing 30 plus office every year. Clean it up or you will never attract business to Tucson.

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