Stop Cop City Domestic Terrorists hosted by City on City Owned Property; Condemnation by Representative Alma Hernandez
Stop Cop City Domestic Terrorists hosted by City on City Owned Property
Over 150 trespassers affiliated with "Stop Cop City" (, a national anti-police/anti-Israel domestic terrorist protest group, trespassed onto a city owned vacant parcel near downtown on Friday, 2/23/24. The group occupied the parcel, erected over 50 tents, built cooking facilities, lit bonfires, and extensively graffitied the site with anti-police, anarchist, and Anti- Israel slogans. Multiple surrounding businesses called 911 seeking immediate assistance. TCFC steering leaders received the same call for help and arrived immediately. Due to the size of the group and the potential for escalation, Mayor & Council and city leadership in consultation with TPD decided to surveil but not intervene, frustrating many patrol officers and some within TPD leadership. TCFC requested that TPD request mutual aid from nearby police departments to prepare for a possible escalation and to protect surrounding businesses. That request was denied. The utter lack of inaction by the City led to violence shortly thereafter.
On Sunday evening, 2/25/24, this very same group traveled a mile downtown and vandalized two banks, attempted to set fire to those banks, and caused extensive property damage. TPD spent hours chasing many of the individuals throughout downtown. The group also targeted other businesses throughout Tucson and caused extensive property damage citywide.
The group has advertised the events for months but the City found itself surprised and paralyzed in its response.
3 Suspects were arrested:
A lack of leadership at the city level and complete mismanagement of its own property directly led to havoc, violence, extensive property damage, and fear.
The Mayor and Council and County Attorney Conover lack the basic courage and decency to condemn these radicals and the violence and terror they inflicted on our community this weekend.
We are grateful that elected leaders such as State Representative Alma Hernandez (D) have the courage to call out the obvious: “I am disgusted by the vandalism and hate spreading in my city! I live downtown, and seeing the damage that is caused by individuals who are doing it because they hate Police, Jews & Israel is extremely disturbing. This behavior should not be tolerated and should be condemned in all its forms by ALL elected officials in Tucson. This should be prosecuted as a hate crime. They are NOT peaceful protestors. They are criminals and terrorizing our community absolutely outrageous that their bond was less than $5,500…this is not the Tucson I am proud of.”
We are providing stories and pictures taken of this event as it played out over the weekend culminating with arson, violence and property damage Sunday night.
Oh another fine example of our city leaders who believe that they can do whatever they want because they will never lose an election in this city. Don’t forget they also got a raise. It is absolutely amazing to me that this happens over and over again. Thank God for Representative Hernandez. We could use more leaders like her who are not afraid to do the right thing. Our mayor and council are feckless losers. This is shameful.
Until you make the public officials responsible either criminally by drafting legislation, for example, “Public Officials Endangering Public Safety”, and/of by removing immunity for their actions and restricting their discretion, this is going to continue.
Back in the 70’s, the legislature passed Arizona’s then, and current with modifications, criminal code in response to judicial activism in failing to appropriately sentence offenders. This resulted in mandatory time sentences. Now, by failing to allege prior convictions, dangerous nature allegations, allegations of committing offenses while released or on probation, or even alleging the death penalty, the same thing is occurring now.
Why is this gent on trial for murdering a little girl not on death row for murdering that other little girl?
Akil White had multiple felony convictions, was placed on probation instead of doing more time, then re-offended was released again, then was arrested again for the hostage type taking incident.
When you make the judge, attorneys, pre trial release people responsible for their actions, then you will see a change. Criminal Liability or no immunity. “Public Officials Endangering Public Safety”.
Have a pleasant night living behind your wrought iron bars on your doors and windows. Who is the prisoner? And why?
Its not surprising that Radical Regina and Lane supports these individuals, but im surprised by the inactivity by the other council members. They are all guilty in my eyes
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