Feb 12, Sunday Newsletter - City in Crisis - TPD Officer Stricken

Feb 12, Sunday Newsletter - City in Crisis - TPD Officer Stricken

DRUGS AND CRIME IN TUCSON hurt TPD Officer this week

Early Thursday morning a TPD officer responded to a hit and run that occurred as a pedestrian was jay walking in the Glenn and Stone area. The struck pedestrian is in serious condition. "TPD said the man was jaywalking and suffered life-threatening injuries. The pedestrian allegedly had drugs in his possession, but the TPD said investigators do not know if he was under the influence." The officer that responded to the call positioned his car to block further traffic from running over the struck pedestrian. An awful tragedy occurred when a drunk driver ran into the police officer's vehicle, critically injuring him and subsequently causing the amputation of his leg. The officer’s life will forever be changed and he will face a long recovery. People jaywalking in traffic under the influence and being struck by vehicles, hit and runs, and drunk driving are all symptoms of failed policies by our Mayor and Council. They have effectively run the Tucson Police Department staffing and resources into the ground and as a result we have lawlessness on our streets. This likely would not have happened if the Mayor and Council were serious about fighting/addressing crime and drugs. Our hearts go out to our TPD officer.



This week we have 3 wins to report!

1. TCFC and our members were successful in stopping the Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Adelita Grijalva, from taking away our power of free speech! Our Supervisors can continue to put items on the agenda that are in the constituents interest, without being encumbered by a bureaucratic and legal processes. Thank you Supervisors Bronson, Christy and Scott for listening to our concerns!

2. WE NEED YOUR INPUT!  TCFC and Pima County is moving forward with planning for placement of NO PANHANDLING signs in Unincorporated Pima County!!  City of Tucson is still not ready to address Crime and Lawlessness.  We need your input for locations where signs are needed.  While not final, below is an example of what one of the signs may look like!  YOU CAN HELP US BY ANSWERING OUR SURVEY about locations you think need these signs!

SURVEY LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZNJMG7X

MAP OF UNINCORPORATED PIMA COUNTY for reference Link: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0666/8576/3802/files/Unincorporated.jpg?v=1676255531


3. LIGHTING. Pima County is working to streamline the process for businesses and individuals to install lighting.  Pima County has also reached out to City of Tucson Development Services to do the same.  More soon on this.


Help keep our community clean and free of eyesores. Report abandoned or stolen shopping carts to AZ Cart Services at:  
602.258.4942 or 602.918.4062

Leave the details of where the cart is located and they will go pick it up and try to return it to the company it belongs.

TCFC Activities this WEEK!

  • We meet with Judges in the Court System with Pima County to discuss issues we see that need review in our mission to address crime and repeat offenders.
  • More meetings with County related to implementation of the Transition Center (Expanded Offerings)
TCFC gets Many Shout-Outs from Supervisor Christy!
Listen to Supervisor Christy on the Bill Buckmaster Show!  Feb 2, 2023.



  • Anonymous

    Mayor Romero and City Council continue to double down on failed policies of the last 3 years. TCFC is keeping open lines of communication but they struggle to make the transition and listening to constituents saying enough is enough. TCFC is ready to work with the when they are ready. Meanwhile our city and citizens suffer.

  • Anonymous

    We need to let council members and BOS members know that we need bigger budget for police and sheriff’s departments. We need MORE officers. The rise in shoplifting is staggering. The trickle-down effect of this is that businesses need to charge more for products to make up for shoplifting losses. That effects all of us honest shoppers.

  • Anonymous

    Supervisor Christy is the only one on that board who makes sense and is worthy of our support!

  • Anonymous

    I like the idea of the signs …….However, for it to be effective in changing naive habits of handing out cash, it has to give a more complete solution. Give an ez to remember phone number that they can call to donate, not just “help Agencies”
    Perhaps some other more direct signs to wake people up. " Do not give Cash for Drugs. It’s $2 for Fentanyl pills. Call (ez number) to donate for other purposes ) " et el.
    Thank you and keep up the good work

  • Anonymous

    I agree 110% with the direction and goals of CFTC…I’m happy to help!! Thank you Supervisors Bronson, Christy and Scott! All elected representatives need to get on board and fight for enforcement of laws already in the books. The no panhandling laws would go a long way to improving the area. Citizens, please DO NOT give money to street panhandlers… fentanyl only costs one dollar per pill… Every dollar you give a panhandler makes you an accomplice to their demise… Give your money to the missions and shelters that can actually help and create change for these individuals that need food, shelter, medical and health assistance… Enabling them on the street corners only drives them further from help!! As a community, and individually, we can influence our elected officials, help those in need and improve the safety of our city and county. Join CFTC, stop enabling the panhandlers, put you resources toward a cure and report any and all crimes and let your local representatives hear from you!

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