Chief Kasmar, City Manager Ortega Starting to embrace TCFC Initiatives; Fentanyl Camp at Estevan Park in Ward 1 Expands under Mayor Regina Romero and Lane Santa Cruz Leadership
TCFC hit 3400 members this week!
We continue expanding South, North, Central, East and West. The Survey results from last week indicated that over 80% of our members will be voting in the upcoming city election in November 2023 for Mayor, Ward1, Ward2 and Ward 4. We will be educating and providing information, soon, to our members and business owners who have many employees who live in the city, how to learn more and ask questions of the candidates about crime and personal safety.
TCFC & Pima County steering the City into a Regional Approach
TCFC has been working closely, hand-in-hand with the Pima County Board of Supervisors Bronson, Christy and Scott leading the way to address the Crime and Fentanyl issue facing Pima County. We are starting to see signs that City Manager Michael Ortega and Chief Kasmar and are ready to participate in the Regional Approach TCFC, Bronson, Christy and Scott have been planning and implementing without city participation until now, since July of 2022. We heard this week, Chief Kasmar speak of TCFC's recommendations for going back to implementing "Area Restrictions" for frequent criminals which TPD stopped enforcing using just around the start of Covid.
Video: TCFC Advocated Regional Approach, Area Restrictions, TPD Chief Kasmar at Pima County Board of Supervisor's Meeting, March 21, 2023
Video: TCFC Advocated Regional Approach, City Manager, Mike Ortega at Pima County Board of Supervisors Meeting, March 7th, 2023
Estevan (Fentanyl Camp) in Ward 1 continues to enjoy Mayor Romero and City Council Support as additional fentanyl camp residents continue to grow in numbers.
Ward 1, Lane Santa Cruz Councilmember, Mayor Regina Romero and City Councilmembers continue to support and fund the growing fentanyl encampment at Estevan Park. TCFC was out at the park this weekend on Saturday observing kids and parents surrounded by the fentanyl encampment and its effects. The smell of Fentanyl was strong at times sitting on the bleachers wafting from drug users behind the fence and under the bleachers. (we had to move) The restrooms are unusable due to fentanyl users. The new $350,000 playground is still fenced off as it was destroyed by a warming fire this winter. A new solar charging station was installed about 1 month ago, instead of fixing the playground. It is being utilized happily by the new residents of the park. We did not observe any visits by the Splinter Collective which was hired for $75,000 by Mayor Regina Romero, Lane Santa Cruz and City Council to unsuccessfully keep the restrooms clean and unsuccessfully keep the playground open and safe. Our tax dollars at work. Policies endorsed and brought to you by Mayor and Council. Indifference disguised as compassion is not Humane. Mayor and Council continue to implement and support policies that are enabling continued addiction with no personal accountability.
Mayor and council were happy to hear this week that their new Care Coordinator program has "data showing that people who receive support from a Care Coordinator experience a reduction in rates of anxiety and depression."
Restrooms unusable and have been taken over.
Unknown car driven on to park grounds to entrance (red arrow) to back fentanylcamp for easy delivery access?
Fentanyl Camp (arrow) under the bleachers during a soccer game. Coaches watching suspiciously. Camps on the field in park area by back fence. Hole in back fence tent area on field for back fentanyl camp access.
I really appreciate these newsletters which are very informative. Also, I (and many others )appreciate the considerable time and effort TCFC dedicates to amplifying Tucson’s taxpaying citizens voices and concerns. I am concerned about all that you mention and also the ill-kept streets and medians, the unsightly litter, graffiti, and last, but not least (since it so adversely affects businesses) the amount of time it takes to complete road widening &/or improvements. i.e. Broadway widening for one. Was it worth the inconvenience, cost, and loss of a number of good businesses? No. It is time to get some people to run this city properly and make effective and prudent use of taxpayers’ money.
Drivers race everything from ninja style street bikes to unmuffled harley’s to high-performance cars on east Houghton. The times and drivers are predictable, it’s the same guys at the same times, every day.
Two in my household have nearly been run over by fast drivers and red-light runners while on the sidewalk and in the crosswalk. Won’t walk my dogs on a street anymore. I don’t want any of us to get killed.
Have seen no enforcement. Aggravating. Tucson needs good stewardship not a despot.
I own the property between the park and Splinter. I’m all out of patience. The people in the encampment aren’t good neighbors, so just like any other bad neighbor, house or not, I want the law enforced. There’s a real chance I’ll vote for Republican for the first time.
As a new (19 months) small business owner who already has been broken into twice, assaulted and major damage over $3,000 am ready to stand up and do what needs to be done to make a difference in what is happening.. my business serves our local female Veteran community and we are ready to do what it takes..
Good morning, Roll over accident happened right outside my bedroom window this past Friday, I heard it like it was in my house. This is the second one since I have lived here. Now have two mustangs that roar up and down Houghton all day. There are thousands of us who live street side, where is our leadership and traffic enforcement?? How many more people have to get hurt? Thanks for listening
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