Call To Action: Board of Supervisors to Vote, June 6th to restrict FREE SPEECH proposed by Supervisor Scott

Call To Action: Board of Supervisors to Vote, June 6th to restrict FREE SPEECH proposed by Supervisor Scott

The June 6th Pima County Board of Supervisors Meeting will include an agenda item proposed by Supervisor Rex Scott that will restrict free speech. TCFC is opposed to this agenda item and change in policy 

CLICK HERE: Call To Action Video Message from Josh and Kevin, TCFC

CLICK HERE: Read OP-ED by Supervisor Scott Supporting partisan limiting of FREE SPEECH published in the Tucson Sentinel

Click Here to read the agenda item #19

"Call to the Public" has been an important tool to the Tucson Crime Free Coalition in its mission to urge action of our elected officials and raise awareness of the crime and fentanyl crisis in Pima County.  Call to the Public has raised awareness of this critical issue affecting everyone regardless of political affiliation.  There is no other way for every citizen to participate. Supervisor Bronson, a Democrat, and Supervisor Christy, a Republican, have been a cornerstone of our non-partisan, supportive movement.

“To suppress expression is to reject the basic human desire for recognition and affront the individual’s worth and dignity.” — Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

The easiest resolution to this bad public policy is for the Board of Supervisors to remove this item from the agenda and get on with the real work of running our County.  Listening to concerns or views some might not agree is what we pay them for.  They have the time to listen.

AGAIN, we are paying them!

It's easy to voice your opinion and support TCFC's mission by sending the Board of Supervisors an email using the instructions below.  Emails must be sent by 5pm on Monday 6/6/2023.  Please email now, build momentum, and forward to at least two friends or family members!!

STEP 1: Copy as a whole, all the email addresses below and paste in the TO: line of your email.

Chair Adelita Grijalva <>; Supervisor Scott <>; Supervisor Heinz <>; Supervisor Bronson <>; Supervisor Christy <>;  Clerk of the Board <>;

STEP 2: Copy and paste this text into the subject line of your email:

Please Remove from the Agenda OR vote "NO" on Item #19 on June 6th, 2023

STEP 3: Copy, paste this text below in the email. Edit as you wish. SEND!

Dear Supervisor,

Regarding Item #19 on the June 6th, 2023 meeting agenda:

As your constituent, I believe the “Call to the Public” should not be limited or changed in any way, much less as described in Agenda Item 19. Freedom of Speech and the ability of people to address you, the Pima County Board of Supervisors - our elected representatives - on the record, is an integral part of public meetings and not a frivolous matter. The existing policy should not be changed. Doing so will be seen as yet another attempt to silence your constituents’ voices.

Please Remove from the agenda OR vote “NO” on this item.


  • Anonymous

    Rex Scott speaks to the Catalina Foothills Scool District Board April 11, 2023.

  • Rob McLane

    I disagree. These changes to the call to the public policy are reasonable. They are not limiting free speech. If you have been to other government entity meetings like City Off Tucson, you know they have similar parameters for their call to the audience. This ensures that the entity can hear from the public and get the business done that they are also supposed to be doing as their job. It means we as the public have to be succinct and to the point in making our statements. Nothing wrong with that. This is not an erosion of democracy, this is good policy. You all are crying wolf on this.

  • Nancy

    Done! I have yet to get to a Supervisors’ meeting; hope to do so in the not-too-distant future. Thank you, Tucson Crime-Free Coalition, for helping to organize these important messages. It makes it easier for me to get involved!

  • Anonymous

    I like the act like adults comment. Has that person seen how the members act? The board is both disrespectful and childish. Keep up the pressure TCFC ! They are backpedaling. To tolerate crime, is to tolerate evil.

  • Bonny Bass

    Supervisor Scott believes that his right to speak is more important than anyone else’s. Same with Supervisor Grijalva and Hines. We need to remember this at election time. Everyone, no matter your political view, has the right to speak.

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