Wash Rescue Last Week - Mayoral Candidates, Example why City of Tucson Needs to Enforce our Laws
Last Week, Tucson Fire rescued a person from the Santa Cruz River - No enforcement by City of Tucson
This is exactly why TCFC has been advocating since its founding, for the City of Tucson to start enforcing our laws, removing people from living in washes thus keeping them out of danger of drowning. Mayor Romero, who supports Tier 2 sanctioned fentanyl encampments including directing TPD to turn a blind eye, is resulting in rescues putting first responders in harms way. The city should be enforcing its existing codes that say you cannot live in a wash. See the rescue here:
CLICK HERE: I-10 and Grant WATER RESCUE in Santa Cruz
Tim Steller's column: Tucson homeless protocol divides neighbors, mayoral candidates
CLICK HERE: AZ Daily Star Article
The mayoral candidates are highlighted on their view about how the homeless protocol: Tier 1 - abandoned site, Tier 2 (city approved/sanctioned camping), Tier 3 - Danger to the community where City moves the addicts but does not address the fundamental problem which is addiction to drugs. We say over and over there is space available in treatment (non profits are 50% full, but addicts don't want it. City and Mayor Romero turn a blind eye. Persons establishing fentanyl camps are not being held accountable under Mayor Romero.
At a minimum 80% of individuals living on the street suffer from substance abuse and 60% suffer from mental illness. Many of our non profits that provide shelter, detox and support are operating at less than 50% occupancy. (Source TPCH).
Mayor Romero says, about the Tier system, "it is working" but that is not what the increasing crime and destruction is showing on the street.
Janet “JL” Wittenbraker, the Republican candidate for Tucson mayor, said she doesn’t support the tier system established under Mayor Romero and says that the city should enforce our laws.
From the AZ Daily Star: "Ed Ackerley, the independent candidate for mayor, didn’t take a definitive stand for or against the tier system. He called for “active engagement” in camps as they get established."
Please read the article to see the candidate position on holding people accountable for their actions and the damage their unchecked addiction is doing to our community.
Ackerley takes neutral ground for fears of upsetting someone or he’s just totally inept. He falls in line with the present status quo of not having proper and corrective leadership qualities.
Proofread. Harm’s, not harms. When providing references, you must include date, publication/link, otherwise your statements cannot be verified.
Mayor Romero and City Council policies fail both Tucson residents and the homeless population. Electing fresh leadership will bring new energetic solutions. We cannot continue to fail our precious familes.
These people cost us so much money, so many resources wasted, so much lost, so much damage to property, so much money wasted on nurses, doctors, hospitals, ambulances And you wonder why both a mom and dad need to work, lose time with their kids, scrimp and save trying to make ends meet. We need to wake up and direct resources where they belong. Take that money and help those people who are trying to raise families. Set up a tent city like sheriff Joe, put these people out there, dry them out, sweat it out of them, pick up the garbage along ajo way and los reales. Feed them a good meal after hard day of work.
Unfortunately the only way you can read the article is if you pay for a subscription.
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